Jajuk Advanced Jukebox

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Tracks tree view

This view is located in the Tracks perspective. It allows you selecting or browsing your devices upon a logical (genre, artist, album, track) point of view. In this view, you will find:


You can select any item in the tree, all contextual menu actions will be applied recursively. For example, if you selected both Acoustic and Blues genres, then you right click and select Play shuffle, Jajuk will play randomly all your Acoustic and Blues tracks.

Dragging and dropping items

At any time, you can drag one or more items (and drag them into the Queue view or the Playlists view for instance).

Press CTRL or SHIFT to select several items. A drop into the Queue view will play your selection immediately. 

Play or Push default behavior during a drag and drop can be set in the view preferences/ Mode tab.

Choosing sort type

The Sort by combobox at the top of the view allows to display tree by:

Contextual menu

Many actions (like PlayPushCreate a report or Properties) are available from the different items using contextual menu (right click). The features can depend on the nature of the item.

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